El Palmas hosts a permanent exhibition of Jaume Nunó i Roca, composer of the Mexican national anthem. The building is his birthplace, which is why an extensive exhibition has been dedicated to it where you can find information about the master. In addition, on the second floor there is the Jaume Nunó Auditorium, a room for auditions, talks and conferences.  


Photograph by Jaume Nunó, located at the entrance to the Palmas on the street that bears the master's name

Postcard from Dolores to Christine, Nunó's daughters, with the explanation of the El Palmas manor house next to it

himne-palmas-01 Detall de l'himne de Mèxic, situat a la paret de l'escala del primer al segon pis del Palmàs
auditori-palmas-01 The Jaume Nunó Auditorium, located on the second floor of the Palmas
nuno-palmas-04 Photograph of the composer in 1864 in Mexico
Jaume Nunó surrounded by the organizers of his tribute, in 1901
nuno-palmas-02 Nunó in a photograph published in the New York Times on the day of his death, July 18, 1908


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