A bit of history
The legal formula that existed before the Foundation was that of an autonomous municipal body, through which the municipal hospital operated.
The Sant Joan municipal hospital was one of the many hospitals that had existed throughout the municipalities of the Catalan Pyrenees. In the specific case of Sant Joan, it is worth saying that its origin is even older: it should be dated to the 10th century, the period in which the female monastery was founded, of which Emma was the first abbess.
The municipal hospital had always been run by nuns. In mid-1999 they announced they were leaving. The Board of the Hospital decided to hire a director-manager to assume the technical direction and management of the center.
During the year 2000, legal formulas are being studied that are better suited to the new situation and that help to project healthcare attention to the new and future needs of an increasingly aging population.
In mid-2001, the Emma Foundation was created, of a charitable and welfare nature, without a profit motive. Previously, the Board of the hospital and the plenum of the municipal government had dissolved the municipal autonomous body: the municipal hospital.